Monday, May 12, 2008

2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Every car manufacturer is responding to the needs of gas conscious consumers and Jeep is no exception. The 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee is Jeep's answer to rising fuel economy consumer demands.

The manufacturers seem to be falling into two camps with some choosing to advance the hybrid technology and others opting for the diesel engine. The theory behind the diesel camp is that the gas mileage is much better in diesel engines than gasoline engines.

The 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD is opting to enter the diesel camp. The vehicle is big and beefy as all Jeep Grand Cherokees are. This automobile made no compromises with the rugged features of a Jeep vehicle. It still maintains its off road capabilities and will make outdoor enthusiasts happy to find that the Jeep still performs outstanding in the off road areas.

The addition of a diesel engine, however, does add significant improvement to the gas mileage obtained by this vehicle. Auto reviews have found that the '07 Jeep Grand Cherokee obtained an impressive 19.3 mpg. This may not sound like it is a great advancement, but considering the capabilities of this automobile and the weight it is a huge jump over the gasoline powered versions.

1 comment:

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